ENGLISH VERSION Simon Wong - Is Orthotropics Safe?

Simon Wong - Is Orthotropics Safe? 
- Research on posture, growth and Orthotropics
- Practicing outside the Standard of Care
- Measuring success and failure
- Delivering on your promise
- Case selection methodology
- Refresher on LOCKS and Approximating Wires.
- Staging approaches and using the 4th dimension for safe practice

Record from The 18th Symposium of International Association of Facial Growth Guidance which took place 23-24 September 2022 in Cracow, Poland

Price: 1300 PLN - 14-day access to the course

Lecturers: dr Simon Wong 

Duration: 6:35 h

link to purchase of part I - CLICK HERE
John Mew - The Growth of the Mid-face
Dominik Piskorski - From orthodontics to orthotropics- Highlighting the differences. Isn’t it time for a change in thinking?

link to purchase of part II - CLICK HERE
Wilfried Engelke - History of the Bioifunctional  Model to describe upper airway function
Marisa Santos - Treating children earlier
Magdalena Otwinowska - presentation: Facial growth guidance – own experience 
Dovilė Drungilaitė - How to treat when it is too late? 
Lecturer discussion

link to purchase of part III - CLICK HERE
Mike Mew - Research with 3D facial scans to understand and improve orthotropic outcomes
Agnieszka Romanik - presentation: Are children wearing braces? The relationship between dentist, parent, and child
Katarzyna Chmielińska-Popiołek - presentation: Early orthodontic (orthotropic) treatment in Class II patients
Wilfried Engelke - Application of the biofunctional model in swallowing  and breathing disorders

link to purchase of part IV - CLICK HERE
Indrė Misiūnienė - How to love Orthotropics. Advices for beginners
Sandra Kahn - Up-lock breathing and Forwardontics - Beyond prevention to fostering respiratory health
Indrė Misiūnienė - A role of vitamins and minerals in good facial and dental development
Simon Wong - Findings from 152 consecutively treatment Biobloc Orthotropic cases

link to purchase the lecture John Mew, Mike Mew – New thinking on Facio-dental development – CLICK HERE